Friday, January 23, 2015


Hair    Eaters Coma - HAIR 60 / Mocha    TSS

Outfit    *:..Silvery K..:*Ladies CoverALL(Mesh) Red    CCB

Goggle    RO - Sandstorm - WhiteWash - Closed

Hand tattoo & Nail       [NI.JU] Mechanic Hands SLINK Appliers

About CCB

Here in the world of Second Life, we have many creators from all over the world and variety of contents.
Through this event, we would like to present brilliance of Japanese creators.
Also we hope that the event will be fulfilled by having guest creators from other countries.
We will continue to make efforts to introduce more and more creators.

Jan 24th Sat --> Feb 14th Sat 2015 (SLT 0:00 am Start)
◆ Web site :
◆ Flickr group :
◆ Facebook :

enjoy today!!

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